Mar 4, 20221 min

Gypsy Jazz Guitar Chord Substitutions

learning chord substitutions is a great tool to add complexity and flavour to your rhythm playing, which helps the soloist sound great...hence everyone will want to play with you!

This is an extract from a lesson for the students of my Gypsy Jazz Guitar Makeover Coaching program.

In this lesson, we learned some really cool chord substitutions on the Gypsy jazz standard "For Sephora", a Gypsy bossa written by Stochelo Rosenberg.

Hope you find this useful.


Filippo Dall'Asta


► Are you a Gypsy Jazz guitarist and want to take your skills to the next level, so that you can go and smash your next jam session or gig between 6 to 12 months? Click here to join my guitar coaching program

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